What is so small that could change your life?!

What is so small that could change your life?!


Do you remember the first time you have heard of the word atom? Maybe in science class at school, a very small and tiny chemical formula that is a part of every human being even liquids and gasses! Even it can't be seen by naked eyes same for our daily habits.

Defining Habits

Certainly, you have heard of the word habit and there is a good habit and bad, etc... But what you don't know is the real definition of this word and how it is formed in our life? Habits are something that we repeat regularly and unconsciously. A repetitive action that we do every day without thinking. Habits shape your life far more than you probably realize.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

~ Aristotle

Importance of Habits

So the question is why habits are too Important in our life? From your daily habits, we can know how successful you are. You will always hear about famous people's daily habits and how it helped them to succeed. Almost half of the actions you perform each day are habits. So if it's bad, you can't imagine how it is going to harm you in the future. Even your daily decisions are formed and affected by the power of habits. Your behavior your thoughts affects you more than you can imagine, that's why you must pay attention to it.

Building a Good Habit

Layers of Behaviours

There are 3 layers of behaviors:

  1. Outcome
  2. Processes
  3. Identity

The outcome is about changing the results or the outcome like winning a trophy become a manager etc...

Process means changing the systems that lead us to achieve the result for example I want to become a manager so I work hard to gain more knowledge and experience to become a manager.

Identity is your beliefs, assumptions your view towards anything. It is the third and deepest layer if you want to change a bad habit or break it.

There are many ways to build a good habit but before starting you must think of what you become not what you achieve. You must change your belief towards smoking as an example from no "I am trying to stop smoking" to be "I am not a smoker".


Changing your behavior takes time and effort, so you need to be patient and focus on the process and the system itself, not the results!